Tracing the evolution of Melbourne’s music scene#

The work presented below form part of ACDE’s presentation at Mapping Culture and History, a workshop held in Novemeber 2022 hosted by Time-Layered Cultural Map of Australia (TLC Map) and ACDE. More details here.

  • We focus on the relationship between venues and artists in terms of event frequency and genre evolution.

  • Our analysis uses data across three datasets:, Discogs and Spotify.


Import packages and pre-process data#

All data used for the following scripts are imported directly from the data/analysis folder located in Github. Although not explicitly described in this notebook, the data collection process is discussed in depth in the video recording below.

After gathering and merging data from the three sources, we pre-process the data to ensure that the data is in a format that is suitable for analysis. A snapshot of two events is provided below to highlight the associated fields for each event. This includes genre and style as defined by the artist’s Discogs profile. To capture temporal changes in musical style, we categorise a musician or band’s genre and style based on the last album released prior to the event.

Furthermore, we supplement each event with relevant Spotify data. This was accomplished by querying the Spotify API for each artist and retrieving acoustic features for each track from the last album released before the event. We then averaged these features across all tracks. For a more in-depth understanding of Spotify’s acoustic features, we direct the reader to their documentation page.

The data in its final form consists of roughly 20,000 events across 300 Melbourne venues.

Hide code cell source
### import modules
# for data/string manipulation
import re
import json
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
from collections import Counter
import requests, gzip, io, os, json
import ast

# for plotting
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as px
import sweetviz as sv
import plotly.graph_objects as go

import as pio
import as px
import plotly.offline as py

import warnings

def fetch_small_data_from_github(fname):
    url = f"{fname}"
    response = requests.get(url)
    rawdata = response.content.decode('utf-8')
    return io.StringIO(rawdata)

#### Fetch data
#### Setlist fm data
# scraped data collected. Scraping occured on the 7/10/22
mel_df = pd.read_csv(fetch_small_data_from_github('setlistfm_melbourne_events.csv'), index_col=0)

# remove redundant venues
mel_df = mel_df[mel_df.Venue != 'Unknown Venue, Melbourne, Australia']
mel_df = mel_df[mel_df.Venue != "Melbourne Hotel, Perth, Australia"]

# clean venue names
mel_df['Venue'] = mel_df['Venue'].str.replace(r', Melbourne, Australia', '')

# formalise date fields
dates = mel_df['Day'].astype(str)+"-"+mel_df['Month'].astype(str)+"-"+mel_df['Year'].astype(str)
mel_df['Date'] = dates.apply(lambda x: datetime.strptime(x,'%d-%b-%Y'))

# add decade column
mel_df['Decade'] = mel_df.Date.apply(lambda x: x.year // 10 * 10)

# drop any duplicate occurences
mel_df = mel_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Date','Venue'], keep='first')

# fetch clean venue data
venues_final = pd.read_csv(fetch_small_data_from_github('setlistfm_melbourne_topvenues.csv'), 
                           encoding='latin-1', index_col=0).iloc[:,1:]

new_lats = []
new_longs = []

for idx, ven in venues_final.iterrows():
    if ven.is_problem == 'No geocodes found.':
        new_lats.append(ven.Lat); new_longs.append(ven.Long)
    elif ven.is_problem == 'Same match for venue and address.':
        new_lats.append(ven.latitude2); new_longs.append(ven.longitude2)
    elif ven.is_problem == 'Address match, but venue no match. Check for accuracy.':
        new_lats.append(ven.latitude); new_longs.append(ven.longitude)
    elif ven.is_problem == 'Address match and venue match found but they conflict. Choose the most accurate.':
        new_lats.append(ven.latitude2); new_longs.append(ven.longitude2)
    else: pass
venues_final['new_lats'] = new_lats
venues_final['new_longs'] = new_longs
venues_final = venues_final[~venues_final.new_lats.isnull()]

# fetch final data
venue_activity_complete = pd.read_csv(fetch_small_data_from_github('setlistfm_mergedwith_discogs_spotify.csv'), index_col=0)
venue_activity_complete = pd.merge(venue_activity_complete, 
                                   venues_final[['Venue','Side of River','new_lats','new_longs']], 

venue_activity_complete.drop(['new_lats_x','new_longs_x'],axis=1, inplace=True)
venue_activity_complete = venue_activity_complete.rename(columns={'new_lats_y': 'new_lats', 'new_longs_y': 'new_longs'})

# DATA ENTRY error
venue_activity_complete.loc[venue_activity_complete.Venue.str.contains('Iceland'),'suburb_nopc'] = 'Ringwood VIC'

19858 19859
Month Nov Dec
Day 4 29
Year 2019 2019
Artist KEiiNO Ali Barter
Tour Australian Tour 2019 NaN
Venue The Fyrefly, Melbourne, Australia The Leadbeater Hotel, Melbourne, Australia
Date 2019-11-04 2019-12-29
Decade 2010 2010
suburb_nopc NaN Richmond VIC
Genre ['Folk, World, & Country', 'Pop', 'Electronic'] ['Rock', 'Pop']
Style ['Europop', 'Sámi Music', 'Dance-pop'] ['Pop Rock', 'Indie Rock', 'Grunge']
quarter 2019 ['Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] 2019 ['Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
new_style Dance-pop Indie Rock
album_group album album
id 4aYLNUrkHzYLnq9pdFEHyT 12cSgBEuXzWZDVTieZNhIL
name_x OKTA Hello, I'm Doing My Best
release_date 2020-05-15 2019-10-18
release_date_precision day day
PROMPT KEiiNO Ali Barter
danceability 0.6752 0.496545
energy 0.7666 0.674818
key 5.5 6.454545
loudness -5.9959 -6.519455
mode 0.6 0.909091
speechiness 0.05202 0.048455
acousticness 0.08823 0.084509
instrumentalness 0.000723 0.000155
liveness 0.2115 0.268618
valence 0.5514 0.396818
tempo 116.3908 104.792636
year 2020 2019
Side of River South NaN
new_lats -37.864083 -37.827901
new_longs 144.982999 144.997756

Exploratory Data Analysis#

Venue Frequency#

Suburb level#

Now, let’s focus on analysing event frequency at the suburb level, gaining insights into which suburbs have been most active in hosting music events in Melbourne over the years.

We start by examining the top 10 suburbs with the highest event frequency using a horizontal bar plot.


Melbourne CBD has the highest number of events, followed by St Kilda, Richmond and Fitzroy. This is not surprising given that these suburbs are known for their vibrant music scene. Out of the top ten, Frankston is the only suburb located outside of the inner city.

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plt.title('Top 10 Suburbs by Event Activity')

# control figure width
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [9, 5]

Next, we dive deeper into the event activity proportions over the decades for the top 10 suburbs with the highest music activity. To focus more on local hotspots, we exclude the ‘Melbourne CBD’ entry as a majority of these events are associated with large venues i.e., Rod Laver Arena.


The line plot belows shows a clear peak in event activity in St Kilda in the 1990s, with a steady decline in the 2000s. Richmond surpasses St Kilda in the 2000s, and remains the most active suburb in the 2010s.

Hide code cell source
dfu = venue_activity_complete[venue_activity_complete.suburb_nopc\

dfu = dfu[dfu.suburb_nopc != 'Melbourne VIC']

# to get the dataframe in the correct shape, unstack the groupby result
dfu = dfu.groupby(['Decade']).suburb_nopc.value_counts(normalize=True).unstack()

# plot
ax = dfu.plot(kind='line', figsize=(7, 5), xlabel='Decade', ylabel='Prop', rot=0, marker='.')
ax.legend(title='', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper left')

plt.title('Suburb-level event activity over time')

# control figure width
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [9, 5]

Continuing our analysis, we narrow our focus to the top five suburbs with the highest venue frequency, excluding Melbourne CBD. We group the data by decades and create a clustered bar plot to visualise the actual venue occurrence counts for these suburbs.


Collingwood and Fitzroy have seen the most significant growth in event activity over the years, with a peak in the 2010s.

Hide code cell source
dfu = venue_activity_complete[venue_activity_complete.suburb_nopc\

dfu = dfu[dfu.suburb_nopc != 'Melbourne VIC']

# to get the dataframe in the correct shape, unstack the groupby result
dfu = dfu.groupby(['Decade']).suburb_nopc.value_counts().unstack()

# plot
ax = dfu.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(7, 5), xlabel='Decade', ylabel='Freq', rot=0)
ax.legend(title='', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper left')

plt.title('Suburb-level event activity over time')

# control figure width
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [9, 5]

North or South of the river?#

In this section, we explore the distribution of music events in Melbourne based on their location on either the North or South side of the Yarra river.

We begin by analysing the proportion of music events hosted on the North and South sides of the river. To achieve this, we count the occurrences of events in each region and visualize the data using a pie chart.

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venue_activity_complete['Side of River'].value_counts(normalize=True).plot.pie(autopct='%1.1f%%')

plt.title('Proportion of events by side of river')

Next, we delve into how the distribution of music events across the North and South sides of the river has evolved over the decades. We also provide the actual frequency of music events on the North and South sides of the river over the decades.


The St Kilda-Richmond switch in the 2000s is also evident in the North-South analysis.

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# to get the dataframe in the correct shape, unstack the groupby result
dfu = venue_activity_complete.groupby(['Decade'])['Side of River'].value_counts(normalize=True).unstack()

# plot
ax = dfu.plot(kind='line', figsize=(7, 5), xlabel='Decade', ylabel='Prop', rot=0, marker='.')
ax.legend(title='North or South River?', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper left')

plt.title('Proportion of events by side of river over time')

dfu = venue_activity_complete.groupby(['Decade'])['Side of River'].value_counts().unstack()

# plot
ax = dfu.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(7, 5), xlabel='Decade', ylabel='Freq', rot=0)
ax.legend(title='North or South River?', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper left')
plt.title('Event frequency by side of river over time')
_images/00eab94e33e4377b2bd66e9ec2ff8b2b0b3b4258151a8e836edb11d0cbbf6116.png _images/9b70459045e76793a4599f33198d62736a71a05d5c49a5bbd5730be6cb5e7e92.png

Top venues by decade#

In this section, we explore the top music venues in Melbourne based on their frequency of hosting events during specific decades.

To begin, we create a frequency table of venue occurrences for each decade, encompassing the entire duration of the dataset. This table gives us an overview of the most active venues throughout different decades.

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# create a frequency table of venue occurences by decade 
all_events = venue_activity_complete[['Venue','Decade']]\

# clean column names
all_events.columns = ['Venue','Decade','Freq']

# show first rows
Venue Decade Freq
117 Corner Hotel, Melbourne, Australia 2010 1081
116 Corner Hotel, Melbourne, Australia 2000 744
336 Northcote Social Club, Melbourne, Australia 2010 471
199 Forum Theatre, Melbourne, Australia 2010 445
432 Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne, Australia 2010 409
571 The Hi-Fi, Melbourne, Australia 2000 400
431 Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne, Australia 2000 355
355 Palais Theatre, Melbourne, Australia 2010 349
572 The Hi-Fi, Melbourne, Australia 2010 346
0 170 Russell, Melbourne, Australia 2010 319

Event activity in the 1970s#

We then narrow our focus to the 1970s, a transformative decade for music culture. We identify the venues that were most active during this period, and we first visualise their frequency of events over succesive decades using a line plot. This allows us to assess the lifespan of these venues and how their activity has evolved over the years. For example, Festival Hall and Dallas Brook Hall are the only venues that had remained active past the 1980s.

Next, we focus on just the 1970s period and visualise the frequency of events at these venues at a yearly basis to further understand the temporal nuances in event activity. It should be noted that we define the most active venues as those that hosted more than 40 events during the 1970s.


We can see a clear peak in event activity specifically in 1978 occurring at Tiger Lounge and Bombay Rock. What could be causing this spike? We investigate further.

Hide code cell source
top_venues = all_events[(all_events.Freq >= 1)]['Venue'].unique()
active_in_1970s = all_events[(all_events.Decade == 1970) & (all_events.Freq > 40)]['Venue'].unique()
top_venues_70s = list(set(top_venues) & set(active_in_1970s))

top_in_state = all_events[all_events.Venue.isin(top_venues_70s)]\

fig = px.line(top_in_state.sort_values('Decade'), 
              x="Decade", y="Freq", color="Venue",line_group="Venue",
              title= f'<b>Music venues active in 1970s (Melbourne):</b> Decades',

# set figure size

all_events_yr = venue_activity_complete[venue_activity_complete.Venue.isin(active_in_1970s)][['Venue','Year']]\
all_events_yr.columns = ['Venue','Year','Freq']
all_events_yr.Year = all_events_yr.Year.astype(int)
all_events_yr = all_events_yr[(all_events_yr.Year > 1965) & (all_events_yr.Year < 1980)]

fig = px.line(all_events_yr.sort_values('Year'), 
              x="Year", y="Freq", color="Venue",line_group="Venue",
              title= f'<b>Music venues most active in 1970s (Melbourne):</b> Years',markers=True)
# set figure size

Taking our analysis further, we explore the year-on-year (YoY) fluctuations for venues during the 1970s. We calculate the change in event frequency as a number and as a ratio. This is done for each venue between successive years to determine which venues experienced the most significant shifts, and then visualised through two heatmaps.


As highlighted in the first heatmap, we can see that Bananas and Hearts Nightclub share a similar peak during the late 1970s. This is better highlighted in the second heatmap which focuses on the top five venues with the highest YoY fluctuations as a ratio. We can see that a shift occurred between 1976 and 1977 for Hearts Nightclub and Tiger Lounge, then in 1978 for Bananas and Council Hotel, and in 1979 for Hearts Nightclub.

Hide code cell source
active_in_1970s = all_events[(all_events.Decade == 1970)]['Venue'].unique()
all_events_yr = venue_activity_complete[venue_activity_complete.Venue.isin(active_in_1970s)][['Venue','Year']]\
all_events_yr.columns = ['Venue','Year','Freq']
all_events_yr.Year = all_events_yr.Year.astype(int)
all_events_yr = all_events_yr[(all_events_yr.Year > 1973) & (all_events_yr.Year < 1980) &
                              (all_events_yr.Venue.isin(all_events_yr[all_events_yr.Freq > 5]['Venue'].unique()))]

piv70s = all_events_yr.pivot(index='Venue', columns='Year', values='Freq').fillna(0)
clipped = piv70s.clip(upper=1).sum(axis=1).reset_index()
piv70s = piv70s[piv70s.index.isin(clipped[clipped[0] > 1].Venue)]

change70s = piv70s.copy()
# change70s['70-71'] = change70s[[1970,1971]].pct_change(axis=1)[1971]
# change70s['71-72'] = change70s[[1971,1972]].pct_change(axis=1)[1972]
# change70s['72-73'] = change70s[[1972,1973]].pct_change(axis=1)[1973]
# change70s['73-74'] = change70s[[1973,1974]].pct_change(axis=1)[1974]
change70s['74-75'] = change70s[[1974,1975]].pct_change(axis=1)[1975]
change70s['75-76'] = change70s[[1975,1976]].pct_change(axis=1)[1976]
change70s['76-77'] = change70s[[1976,1977]].pct_change(axis=1)[1977]
change70s['77-78'] = change70s[[1977,1978]].pct_change(axis=1)[1978]
change70s['78-79'] = change70s[[1978,1979]].pct_change(axis=1)[1979]
change70s = change70s.drop([1974,1975,1976,1977,1978,1979],axis=1).unstack().reset_index()
# change70s = change70s.drop([1970,1971,1972,1973,1974,1975,1976,1977,1978,1979],axis=1).unstack().reset_index()
change70s = change70s[~change70s.isin([np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf]).any(1)]
biggestmovers70s = change70s.sort_values(0, ascending=False).head(5)['Venue'].unique()

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
ax = sns.heatmap(piv70s, annot=True)
ax.set(xlabel="", ylabel="")

plt.title('YoY fluctuations for venues in the 1970s')

forheatmap = change70s[change70s['Venue'].isin(biggestmovers70s)].pivot(index='Venue', columns='Year', values=0).fillna(0)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,6))
ax = sns.heatmap(forheatmap, annot=True)
ax.set(xlabel="", ylabel="")
plt.title('Largest YoY fluctuations for venues in the 70s')
_images/6bea437d84dfaaca24afee81b260e99005f7019b691422bdcc2caef9e9ac4fce.png _images/d1e649462f0eabe1bb028d0d8c025bf64d55d8e3b83febed9ccf733320768b54.png

Similar to the line plot above, we visualise the yearly event frequency for venues, however this time we focus on venues that experienced the sharpest YoY fluctuations. Next, we explore the artists that performed frequently at these venues during the 1970s.

Hide code cell source
all_events_yr = venue_activity_complete[venue_activity_complete.Venue.isin(biggestmovers70s)][['Venue','Year']]\
all_events_yr.columns = ['Venue','Year','Freq']
all_events_yr.Year = all_events_yr.Year.astype(int)
all_events_yr = all_events_yr[(all_events_yr.Year > 1970) & (all_events_yr.Year < 1985)]

fig = px.line(all_events_yr.sort_values('Year'), 
              x="Year", y="Freq", color="Venue",line_group="Venue",
              title= f'<b>Venues, Biggest Movers, 1970s (Melbourne):</b> Year',markers=True)
# set figure size

Which bands played at Tiger Lounge the most amount of times?

Hide code cell source
The Boys Next Door    39
Midnight Oil           4
Cold Chisel            3
Name: Artist, dtype: int64

Which bands played at Bananas the most amount of times?

Hide code cell source
The Boys Next Door    20
Rose Tattoo           12
Cold Chisel            7
Name: Artist, dtype: int64

Which bands played at Hearts Nightclub (Polaris Inn) the most amount of times?

Hide code cell source
venue_activity_complete[venue_activity_complete['Venue'].str.contains('Polaris Inn')].Artist.value_counts().head(3)
The Boys Next Door    17
Men at Work            7
The Jetsonnes          4
Name: Artist, dtype: int64

Which venue did The Boys Next Door / The Birthday Party play at the most?

Hide code cell source
venue_activity_complete[(venue_activity_complete['Artist'].str.contains('The Boys Next Door')) |
             (venue_activity_complete['Artist'].str.contains('The Birthday Party'))].Venue.value_counts().head(5)
Crystal Ballroom, Melbourne, Australia                 42
Tiger Lounge, Royal Oak Hotel, Melbourne, Australia    39
Bananas, Melbourne, Australia                          20
Hearts Nightclub, Polaris Inn, Melbourne, Australia    19
Bombay Rock, Melbourne, Australia                      17
Name: Venue, dtype: int64

Event activity in the 1980s#

We continue our analysis by exploring the most active venues in the 1980s following a similiar methodology as above. It should be noted that we define the most active venues as those that hosted more than 50 events during the 1980s.

Hide code cell source
top_venues = all_events[(all_events.Freq >= 1)]['Venue'].unique()
active_in_1980s = all_events[(all_events.Decade == 1980) & (all_events.Freq > 50)]['Venue'].unique()
top_venues_80s = list(set(top_venues) & set(active_in_1980s))

top_in_state = all_events[all_events.Venue.isin(top_venues_80s)].sort_values(['Decade','Venue'])
top_in_state = top_in_state[top_in_state.Decade > 1969]

fig = px.line(top_in_state.sort_values('Decade'), 
              x="Decade", y="Freq", color="Venue",line_group="Venue",
              title= f'<b>Music venues active in 1980s (Melbourne):</b> Decade',markers=True)

# set figure size

all_setlists = venue_activity_complete
all_events_yr = all_setlists[all_setlists.Venue.isin(active_in_1980s)][['Venue','Year']]\
all_events_yr.columns = ['Venue','Year','Freq']
all_events_yr.Year = all_events_yr.Year.astype(int)
all_events_yr = all_events_yr[(all_events_yr.Year > 1975) & (all_events_yr.Year < 1990)]

fig = px.line(all_events_yr.sort_values('Year'), 
              x="Year", y="Freq", color="Venue",line_group="Venue",
              title= f'<b>Music venues active in 1980s (Melbourne):</b> Year',markers=True)
# set figure size
Hide code cell source
active_in_1980s = all_events[(all_events.Decade == 1980)]['Venue'].unique()
all_events_yr = all_setlists[all_setlists.Venue.isin(active_in_1980s)][['Venue','Year']]\
all_events_yr.columns = ['Venue','Year','Freq']
all_events_yr.Year = all_events_yr.Year.astype(int)
all_events_yr = all_events_yr[(all_events_yr.Year > 1979) & (all_events_yr.Year < 1990) &
                              (all_events_yr.Venue.isin(all_events_yr[all_events_yr.Freq > 5]['Venue'].unique()))]

piv80s = all_events_yr.pivot(index='Venue', columns='Year', values='Freq').fillna(0)
clipped = piv80s.clip(upper=1).sum(axis=1).reset_index()
piv80s = piv80s[piv80s.index.isin(clipped[clipped[0] > 1].Venue)]

change80s = piv80s.copy()
change80s['80-81'] = change80s[[1980,1981]].pct_change(axis=1)[1981]
change80s['81-82'] = change80s[[1981,1982]].pct_change(axis=1)[1982]
change80s['82-83'] = change80s[[1982,1983]].pct_change(axis=1)[1983]
change80s['83-84'] = change80s[[1983,1984]].pct_change(axis=1)[1984]
change80s['84-85'] = change80s[[1984,1985]].pct_change(axis=1)[1985]
change80s['85-86'] = change80s[[1985,1986]].pct_change(axis=1)[1986]
change80s['86-87'] = change80s[[1986,1987]].pct_change(axis=1)[1987]
change80s['87-88'] = change80s[[1987,1988]].pct_change(axis=1)[1988]
change80s['88-89'] = change80s[[1988,1989]].pct_change(axis=1)[1989]
change80s = change80s.drop([1980,1981,1982,1983,1984,1985,1986,1987,1988,1989],axis=1).unstack().reset_index() 
change80s = change80s[~change80s.isin([np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf]).any(1)]
biggestmovers80s = change80s.sort_values(0, ascending=False).head(5)['Venue'].unique()

# change last column name
change80s = change80s.rename(columns={0: 'YoY Change'})

print('Largest YoY fluctuations for venues in the 80s')
change80s.sort_values('YoY Change', ascending=False).head(5)
Largest YoY fluctuations for venues in the 80s
Year Venue YoY Change
426 87-88 The Palace Complex, Melbourne, Australia 10.50
405 87-88 Metro Nightclub, Melbourne, Australia 5.00
262 84-85 The Central Club Hotel, Melbourne, Australia 2.25
462 88-89 Old Greek Theatre, Melbourne, Australia 2.00
376 86-87 Village Green Hotel, Melbourne, Australia 2.00
Hide code cell source
all_events_yr = all_setlists[all_setlists.Venue.isin(biggestmovers80s)][['Venue','Year']]\
all_events_yr.columns = ['Venue','Year','Freq']
all_events_yr.Year = all_events_yr.Year.astype(int)
all_events_yr = all_events_yr[(all_events_yr.Year > 1980) & (all_events_yr.Year < 1995)]

fig = px.line(all_events_yr.sort_values('Year'), 
              x="Year", y="Freq", color="Venue",line_group="Venue",
              title= f'<b>Venues, Biggest Movers, 1980s (Melbourne):</b> Year',markers=True)
# set figure size

Event activity in the 1990s#

We continue our analysis by exploring the most active venues in the 1990s. It should be noted that we define the most active venues as those that hosted more than 100 events during the 1990s.

Hide code cell source
top_venues = all_events[(all_events.Freq >= 1)]['Venue'].unique()
active_in_1990s = all_events[(all_events.Decade == 1990) & (all_events.Freq > 100)]['Venue'].unique()
top_venues_90s = list(set(top_venues) & set(active_in_1990s))

top_in_state = all_events[all_events.Venue.isin(top_venues_90s)].sort_values(['Decade','Venue'])
top_in_state = top_in_state[top_in_state.Decade > 1979]

fig = px.line(top_in_state.sort_values('Decade'), 
              x="Decade", y="Freq", color="Venue",line_group="Venue",
              title= f'<b>Music venues active in 1990s (Melbourne):</b> Decade',markers=True)

# set figure size

all_events_yr = all_setlists[all_setlists.Venue.isin(active_in_1990s)][['Venue','Year']]\
all_events_yr.columns = ['Venue','Year','Freq']
all_events_yr.Year = all_events_yr.Year.astype(int)
all_events_yr = all_events_yr[(all_events_yr.Year > 1985) & (all_events_yr.Year < 2000)]

fig = px.line(all_events_yr.sort_values('Year'), 
              x="Year", y="Freq", color="Venue",line_group="Venue",
              title= f'<b>Music venues active in 1990s (Melbourne):</b> Year',markers=True)

# set figure size
Hide code cell source
active_in_1990s = all_events[(all_events.Decade == 1990)]['Venue'].unique()
all_events_yr = all_setlists[all_setlists.Venue.isin(active_in_1990s)][['Venue','Year']]\
all_events_yr.columns = ['Venue','Year','Freq']
all_events_yr.Year = all_events_yr.Year.astype(int)
all_events_yr = all_events_yr[(all_events_yr.Year > 1989) & (all_events_yr.Year < 2000) &
                              (all_events_yr.Venue.isin(all_events_yr[all_events_yr.Freq > 5]['Venue'].unique()))]

piv90s = all_events_yr.pivot(index='Venue', columns='Year', values='Freq').fillna(0)
clipped = piv90s.clip(upper=1).sum(axis=1).reset_index()
piv90s = piv90s[piv90s.index.isin(clipped[clipped[0] > 1].Venue)]

change90s = piv90s.copy()
change90s['90-91'] = change90s[[1990,1991]].pct_change(axis=1)[1991]
change90s['91-92'] = change90s[[1991,1992]].pct_change(axis=1)[1992]
change90s['92-93'] = change90s[[1992,1993]].pct_change(axis=1)[1993]
change90s['93-94'] = change90s[[1993,1994]].pct_change(axis=1)[1994]
change90s['94-95'] = change90s[[1994,1995]].pct_change(axis=1)[1995]
change90s['95-96'] = change90s[[1995,1996]].pct_change(axis=1)[1996]
change90s['96-97'] = change90s[[1996,1997]].pct_change(axis=1)[1997]
change90s['97-98'] = change90s[[1997,1998]].pct_change(axis=1)[1998]
change90s['98-99'] = change90s[[1998,1999]].pct_change(axis=1)[1999]
change90s = change90s.drop([1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999],axis=1).unstack().reset_index() 
change90s = change90s[~change90s.isin([np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf]).any(1)]
biggestmovers90s = change90s.sort_values(0, ascending=False).head(5)['Venue'].unique()

# change last column name
change90s = change90s.rename(columns={0: 'YoY Change'})

print('Largest YoY fluctuations for venues in the 90s')
change90s.sort_values('YoY Change', ascending=False).head(5)
Largest YoY fluctuations for venues in the 90s
Year Venue YoY Change
360 96-97 Prince Bandroom, Melbourne, Australia 10.00
281 95-96 Corner Hotel, Melbourne, Australia 8.25
428 97-98 The Central Club Hotel, Melbourne, Australia 7.00
170 93-94 Continental Cafe, Melbourne, Australia 6.00
156 92-93 The Esplanade Hotel, Melbourne, Australia 5.00
Hide code cell source
all_events_yr = all_setlists[all_setlists.Venue.isin(biggestmovers90s)][['Venue','Year']]\
all_events_yr.columns = ['Venue','Year','Freq']
all_events_yr.Year = all_events_yr.Year.astype(int)
all_events_yr = all_events_yr[(all_events_yr.Year > 1990) & (all_events_yr.Year < 2000)]

fig = px.line(all_events_yr.sort_values('Year'), 
              x="Year", y="Freq", color="Venue",line_group="Venue",
              title= f'<b>Venues, Biggest Movers, 1990s (Melbourne):</b> Year',markers=True)

# set figure size

Event activity in the 2000s#

We continue our analysis by exploring the most active venues in the 2000s. It should be noted that we define the most active venues as those that hosted more than 150 events during the 2000s.

Hide code cell source
top_venues = all_events[(all_events.Freq >= 1)]['Venue'].unique()
active_in_2000s = all_events[(all_events.Decade == 2000) & (all_events.Freq > 150)]['Venue'].unique()
top_venues_00s = list(set(top_venues) & set(active_in_2000s))

top_in_state = all_events[all_events.Venue.isin(top_venues_00s)].sort_values(['Decade','Venue'])
top_in_state = top_in_state[top_in_state.Decade > 1989]

fig = px.line(top_in_state.sort_values('Decade'), 
              x="Decade", y="Freq", color="Venue",line_group="Venue",
              title= f'<b>Top music venues active in 2000s (Melbourne):</b> Decade',markers=True)

# set figure size

all_events_yr = all_setlists[all_setlists.Venue.isin(active_in_2000s)][['Venue','Year']]\
all_events_yr.columns = ['Venue','Year','Freq']
all_events_yr.Year = all_events_yr.Year.astype(int)
all_events_yr = all_events_yr[(all_events_yr.Year > 1995) & (all_events_yr.Year < 2010)]

fig = px.line(all_events_yr.sort_values('Year'), 
              x="Year", y="Freq", color="Venue",line_group="Venue",
              title= f'<b>Music venues active in 2000s (Melbourne):</b> Year',markers=True)

# set figure size
Hide code cell source
active_in_2000s = all_events[(all_events.Decade == 2000)]['Venue'].unique()
all_events_yr = all_setlists[all_setlists.Venue.isin(active_in_2000s)][['Venue','Year']]\
all_events_yr.columns = ['Venue','Year','Freq']
all_events_yr.Year = all_events_yr.Year.astype(int)
all_events_yr = all_events_yr[(all_events_yr.Year > 1999) & (all_events_yr.Year < 2010) &
                              (all_events_yr.Venue.isin(all_events_yr[all_events_yr.Freq > 5]['Venue'].unique()))]

piv00s = all_events_yr.pivot(index='Venue', columns='Year', values='Freq').fillna(0)
clipped = piv00s.clip(upper=1).sum(axis=1).reset_index()
piv00s = piv00s[piv00s.index.isin(clipped[clipped[0] > 1].Venue)]

change00s = piv00s.copy()
change00s['00-01'] = change00s[[2000,2001]].pct_change(axis=1)[2001]
change00s['01-02'] = change00s[[2001,2002]].pct_change(axis=1)[2002]
change00s['02-03'] = change00s[[2002,2003]].pct_change(axis=1)[2003]
change00s['03-04'] = change00s[[2003,2004]].pct_change(axis=1)[2004]
change00s['04-05'] = change00s[[2004,2005]].pct_change(axis=1)[2005]
change00s['05-06'] = change00s[[2005,2006]].pct_change(axis=1)[2006]
change00s['06-07'] = change00s[[2006,2007]].pct_change(axis=1)[2007]
change00s['07-08'] = change00s[[2007,2008]].pct_change(axis=1)[2008]
change00s['08-09'] = change00s[[2008,2009]].pct_change(axis=1)[2009]
change00s = change00s.drop([2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009],axis=1).unstack().reset_index() 
change00s = change00s[~change00s.isin([np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf]).any(1)]
biggestmovers00s = change00s.sort_values(0, ascending=False).head(5)['Venue'].unique()

# change last column name
change00s = change00s.rename(columns={0: 'YoY Change'})

print('Largest YoY fluctuations for venues in the 00s')
change00s.sort_values('YoY Change', ascending=False).head(5)
Largest YoY fluctuations for venues in the 00s
Year Venue YoY Change
648 07-08 Palace Theatre, Melbourne, Australia 28.0
777 08-09 Thornbury Theatre, Melbourne, Australia 11.0
652 07-08 Pier Hotel, Melbourne, Australia 7.0
151 01-02 The Empress Hotel, Melbourne, Australia 6.0
732 08-09 Next, Melbourne, Australia 6.0
Hide code cell source
all_events_yr = all_setlists[all_setlists.Venue.isin(biggestmovers00s)][['Venue','Year']]\
all_events_yr.columns = ['Venue','Year','Freq']
all_events_yr.Year = all_events_yr.Year.astype(int)
all_events_yr = all_events_yr[(all_events_yr.Year > 1995) & (all_events_yr.Year < 2010)]

fig = px.line(all_events_yr.sort_values('Year'), 
              x="Year", y="Freq", color="Venue",line_group="Venue",
              title= f'<b>Venues, Biggest Movers, 2000s (Melbourne):</b> Year',markers=True)

# set figure size

Event activity in the 2010s#

We continue our analysis by exploring the most active venues in the 2010s. It should be noted that we define the most active venues as those that hosted more than 250 events during the 2010s.

Hide code cell source
top_venues = all_events[(all_events.Freq >= 1)]['Venue'].unique()
active_in_2010s = all_events[(all_events.Decade == 2010) & (all_events.Freq > 250)]['Venue'].unique()
top_venues_10s = list(set(top_venues) & set(active_in_2010s))

top_in_state = all_events[all_events.Venue.isin(top_venues_00s)].sort_values(['Decade','Venue'])
top_in_state = top_in_state[top_in_state.Decade > 1999]

fig = px.line(top_in_state.sort_values('Decade'), 
              x="Decade", y="Freq", color="Venue",line_group="Venue",
              title= f'<b>Top music venues active in 2010s (Melbourne):</b> Decade',markers=True)

# set figure size

all_events_yr = all_setlists[all_setlists.Venue.isin(active_in_2000s)][['Venue','Year']]\
all_events_yr.columns = ['Venue','Year','Freq']
all_events_yr.Year = all_events_yr.Year.astype(int)
all_events_yr = all_events_yr[(all_events_yr.Year > 2005) & (all_events_yr.Year < 2015)]

fig = px.line(all_events_yr.sort_values('Year'), 
              x="Year", y="Freq", color="Venue",line_group="Venue",
              title= f'<b>Music venues active in 2010s (Melbourne):</b> Year',markers=True)
# set figure size
Hide code cell source
active_in_2010s = all_events[(all_events.Decade == 2010)]['Venue'].unique()
all_events_yr = all_setlists[all_setlists.Venue.isin(active_in_2010s)][['Venue','Year']]\
all_events_yr.columns = ['Venue','Year','Freq']
all_events_yr.Year = all_events_yr.Year.astype(int)
all_events_yr = all_events_yr[(all_events_yr.Year > 2009) & (all_events_yr.Year < 2020) &
                              (all_events_yr.Venue.isin(all_events_yr[all_events_yr.Freq > 5]['Venue'].unique()))]

piv10s = all_events_yr.pivot(index='Venue', columns='Year', values='Freq').fillna(0)
clipped = piv10s.clip(upper=1).sum(axis=1).reset_index()
piv10s = piv10s[piv10s.index.isin(clipped[clipped[0] > 1].Venue)]

change10s = piv10s.copy()
change10s['10-11'] = change10s[[2010,2011]].pct_change(axis=1)[2011]
change10s['11-12'] = change10s[[2011,2012]].pct_change(axis=1)[2012]
change10s['12-13'] = change10s[[2012,2013]].pct_change(axis=1)[2013]
change10s['13-14'] = change10s[[2013,2014]].pct_change(axis=1)[2014]
change10s['14-15'] = change10s[[2014,2015]].pct_change(axis=1)[2015]
change10s['15-16'] = change10s[[2015,2016]].pct_change(axis=1)[2016]
change10s['16-17'] = change10s[[2016,2017]].pct_change(axis=1)[2017]
change10s['17-18'] = change10s[[2017,2018]].pct_change(axis=1)[2018]
change10s['18-19'] = change10s[[2018,2019]].pct_change(axis=1)[2019]
change10s = change10s.drop([2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019],axis=1).unstack().reset_index() 
change10s = change10s[~change10s.isin([np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf]).any(1)]
biggestmovers10s = change10s.sort_values(0, ascending=False).head(5)['Venue'].unique()

# change last column name
change10s = change10s.rename(columns={0: 'YoY Change'})

print('Largest YoY fluctuations for venues in the 2010s')
change10s.sort_values('YoY Change', ascending=False).head(5)
Largest YoY fluctuations for venues in the 2010s
Year Venue YoY Change
909 18-19 Stay Gold, Melbourne, Australia 27.0
247 12-13 Melbourne Town Hall, Melbourne, Australia 23.0
299 12-13 The Reverence Hotel, Melbourne, Australia 15.0
865 18-19 Gershwin Room, The Esplanade Hotel, Melbourne,... 14.0
344 13-14 Howler, Melbourne, Australia 12.5
Hide code cell source
all_events_yr = all_setlists[all_setlists.Venue.isin(biggestmovers10s)][['Venue','Year']]\
all_events_yr.columns = ['Venue','Year','Freq']
all_events_yr.Year = all_events_yr.Year.astype(int)
all_events_yr = all_events_yr[(all_events_yr.Year > 2005) & (all_events_yr.Year < 2015)]

fig = px.line(all_events_yr.sort_values('Year'), 
              x="Year", y="Freq", color="Venue",line_group="Venue",
              title= f'<b>Venues, Biggest Movers, 2010s (Melbourne):</b> Year',markers=True)

# set figure size


Spatial interpolation#

As a starting point, we explore the use of spatial interpolation to model the change in genre of music played in venues over time. As a case study, we explore the movement of alternative music in Melbourne between 1977 and 1982 where darker colours indicate a higher proportion of alternative music played in an area and lighter colours indicate a lower proportion of alternative music played in an area.


The spatial interpolation maps show that alternative music was mostly concentrated near suburbs such as Richmond and Fitzroy as opposed to Melbourne CBD which hosted more pop music concerts.

_images/0b2833d4bb2a9caaacc081a6167e4a4516ebceb48b184c1669c403787fc53a4f.png _images/9a97205684bea6f1df0b2109af960cef6038dae0722f75ce5f01c2446f116c4e.png

Genre Map and Network analysis#

The case study above motivated us to build an interactive mapping application to allow for more functionality in exploring the evolution of genre in Melbourne over time. The application allows for temporal and spatial exploration of genres over time along with the ability to visualise networks across genres, venues and artists. We encourage the reader to explore the application here. A screenshot of the application is provided below.


Spotify acoustic attributes#

In this section, we leverage data from Spotify to analyse the density of various acoustic features across venues in Melbourne. Each event contributes to a venue’s acoustic footprint i.e., if a venue hosts a lot of bands that play pop music, then that venue’s acoustic footprint will be high in the danceability attribute. In contrast, a venue that hosts a lot of metal music may be quite low in the danceability attribute.

Below we visualise a series of maps to showcase the spatial distribution of the given acosutic attribute across Melbourne venues. Each map is also animated to allow users to control the temporal dimension of the data.

Hide code cell source
spotify_group_by = venue_activity_complete.groupby(['Venue','Year']).mean().reset_index()

for attr in ['danceability', 'energy', 'loudness', 'speechiness', 'acousticness', 'instrumentalness',
          'liveness', 'valence', 'tempo']:
    fig = px.density_mapbox(venue_activity_complete.sort_values('Date'), lat="new_lats", lon="new_longs",
                            height=800,width=800,color_continuous_scale='inferno', zoom=11,
                           animation_frame = 'Year', center=dict(lat=-37.816244, lon=144.957198))

    fig.update_layout(hovermode='closest', width=800)