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Atkinson and Conrad (1918-1927)
Atkinson, Powell & Conrad (1927-1931)
Arnold Henry Conrad Architect
C.W. Chambers Architect and Consulting Engineer
McCredie Bros & Chambers
Chambers and Powell
Lange L Powell & Geo Rae Architects
Lange Powell
Powell & Hutton Architects
Lange Powell Architect
Lund, Hutton, Ryan, Morton
Lund Hutton Newell Paulsen Pty Ltd
Lund, Hutton, Newell, Black & Paulsen
Ian Black and Company (Cairns)
Conrad & Gargett
Conrad Gargett & Partners (1972-1995)
Ford, Hutton & Newell
Chambers & Ford
Chambers & Hutton
H.W. Atkinson & A.H. Conrad (1918-1927)
H.W. Atkinson & Chas. McLay
H.W Atkinson & A.H Conrad (1931-1939)
A.H Conrad & T.B.F Gargett
Lund, Hutton & Newell
(Lange L.) Powell, Dods & Thorpe (PDT)
Conrad Gargett & Partners (1965-1972)
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